Sunday, June 28, 2009

A day trip at bukit tinggi

A day trip at Bukit tinggi with my DAC14 buddies on 27June2009
Enjoying the short trip with my lovely friends
Even we just spent for few hours at Bukit tinggi
But we really enjoy and appreciated every moment
We girls likes photo very much
Let's me shared some photos with you guys here
I love France village It's great especially their building

Next,we step to Japanese village
We rent their custome in Japanese village
Its not cheap but we experienced wearing Japanese costume
Thanks for my friends be our photographer.. Keke
This is how we look with japanese costume

For my male friends i wanna say sorry because
Just one word describing them
Because they are so "Bored" haha
But thank you they willing to join us
For those who never visit to Bukit Tinggi
Here i would like to provide some info
Enter fees : RM10 for visitor only
for those visitor who are living in their hotel is free
Japanese Costume rental : RM20
Rabbits park : not sure how much!!

Enjoy photo shooting trip in Bukit Tinggi!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Taylor Swift - You Belong with Me

Thanks Vince gor gor recommend this song to me..
I love this song very much ya..
Yeah,finally i recover from stupid sick..
Tonight gonna back to work..
Steph wishes u guys have a nice day..